Monthly Archive:: April 2013
When Broussard on CNN said that Jason Collins could not be Christian, and others chimed in that he was a sinner, and furnished quotes from their bible in support of their nasty little prejudiced thoughts, it illuminated
The crazed leverage and egregious risk stemming from sociopathic greedy Wall Street narcissists will not be solved by the new Brown-Vitter Senate Banking Committee proposal to increase net capital requirements. The goal is to ostensibly make banks better able
TAX AVOIDANCE OF MULTINATIONALS CREATES JOBS OFFSHORE AND MORE FINANCIAL INEQUALITY AT HOME: AVOIDANCE IS ILLEGAL? With the most profitable American companies hoarding trillions of dollars offshore and creating jobs offshore to avoid taxes at home, no
Exercising great wisdom, some GOP Senate members are for a vote to enable a debate on background checks on the floor of the Senate. Probably for optics to be on the rational and sane side of the
Just like Exxon’s no fly zone over the Mayflower pipeline spill was established to hide the truth; so has Wall Street propaganda established a no fly zone to control the truth about the continuing financial rape of