Monthly Archive:: May 2013
Teaparty Republicans are radicals – not conservative. It is radical to blockade Congress; as a matter of fact the blockade – to obstruct Congress is against the social welfare of the public good which apparently constitutes Seditious Conspiracy: Politicians
The public good constitutes the social welfare of We The People! What if the Cincinnati IRS district targeted only the 501 (C) 4 (conservative, creationist based) Nonprofits that aggressively lie to promote a Congressional agenda intended to
Seditious conspiracy is empirically defined by the Teapublican blockade of Congress which is to filibuster and/or vote in lockstep against (to prevent) any legislation the President of the United States of America deems appropriate to improve and
“Save our 2nd Amendment for future generations.” The NRA CONVENTION’S asinine and lunatic fundamental motivational message from the infinitely disingenuous liar and leading gun manufacturers’ lobbyist, Wayne La Pissoire. Do amendments vanish in thin air? Of course, this
So Pat Toomey tattled on his fellow Senate Republicans by blowing his hollow whistle on why they did not vote for background checks – they did not want to vote for Obama. But then went on to