We live in a political universe infiltrated by Kochsuchers, a Republic gone awry! On one side we have people who claim to be interested in people, although they do not go to the mat for principles as they should if they really care. For example where is the outcry for Elizabeth Warren’s 21st Century Glass Steagall to protect all of us from the next financial holocaust (1.2 quadrillion $$$ of swaps without foundational value being “traded” in a planet sized craps table)??
What about unemployment insurance; the right to vote; single payer health care; women’s rights; equal pay; corporations hoarding massive amounts of capital offshore to “avoid taxation” (which is illegal); voting against all social welfare of beneficial interest to the public good; school lunch programs and food stamps for millions of hungry Americans; wars for the military industrial complex; charter schools to promote separatism; racism; unregulated health insurance companies ripping off Americans – and banks engaging in usury at an unheard of scale…complete this list for your self…
You can name the Democrats with the fingers on 2 hands who are consistently for what makes sense – 70+ Democrats voted to further deregulate Wall Street, including my Congresswoman Marsha Fudge who will not return thousands of calls from me, although we both went to Shaker High School (20 years apart) – and her staffers who promised to get back to me have been living in Lost.
Then we have people like Cantor (the brat defeated by Brat) who only care about being re-elected and will say anything against we the people and vote in lockstep against ALL SOCIAL WELFARE – as well as hold absolute bull shit hearings like Ben Ghazi and now the Poverty Psycho-drama about what to do about the poor – WHICH THESE TEAPUBLICANS HAVE HELPED TO CREATE BECAUSE THEY ARE KOCHSUCHERS. So this morning consider the 77 school shootings since Sandy Hook leaving hundreds of kids dead in their wake – while Issa still has questions about 4 deaths in where?? from terrorists, and more young girls have been kidnapped in Nigeria.
And we the people have been kidnapped by Dominionism and the Christian Reconstructionists like Cruz and Rand Paul. Have you seen all the idiots who quote the bible in Congress?
The danger to our Democracy is from within. We have spent countless billions on wars and Homeland Security since 9/11 yet the real Terrorists live within our borders and are the leaders of the Teaparty/GOP and their financial backers.
Dominionism: The theocratic idea that regardless of theological view or eschatological timetable, heterosexual Christian men are called by God to exercise dominion over secular society by taking control of political and cultural institutions.” …” Dominionists want to impose a form of Christian nationalism on the United States, a concept that was dismissed as eroding freedom and democracy by the founders of our country. Dominionism has become a major influence on the right-wing populist Tea Parties as Christian Right activists have flooded into the movement at the grassroots….” (from the Public Eye – Christian right/dominism)
Maybe the real terrorists are the Kochsuchers inside America, as well as all the others who take money from Wall St and Corps who avoid taxes offshore like GE. Maybe we are heading for living in the world of the catatonic creationists who mumble their bibles and when asked if they are Homo Sapiens respond – “I don’t have that disease.”
Maybe we need to outlaw the Christian Reconstructionists who are the leading Kochsuchers.