BREAKING NEWS?  WHERE HAS THE PRESS BEEN? Sanders in the 2nd debate, lied at the upper level of significant lies – when he claimed that “because was against the Vietnam War [when he graduated from college] he became a Conscientious Objector.” America was not involved in a “Vietnam war” when we both graduated from college in the spring of 64, it did not exist, when I avoided the draft in the spring of 64 by joining the Navy and went to OCS in Newport in the fall. Sanders never registered with his board, so the board never heard his ludicrous contention that he should be accorded CO status because he was against a war that did not exist until after the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution at the end of Aug 64; let alone against a specific war.

It was not possible to qualify for CO status by being against a specific war until 1971 when a Supreme Court decision established it was possible. This decision was based on the context of the horrific action in Nam and the lies behind America’s participation.

In 1964 America was not involved in the conflict; and did not enter the conflict until after LBJ was sworn in in Jan of 65. To qualify for CO status in 1964, you had to have been a pacifist and prove why. It was only rational to be afraid of serving in the Army only 20 years after WWII and a decade after Korea.   There were alternative choices to do something as an American; but Sanders, who was not a fan of the Capitalist US, dropped out of sight on a Communist Kibbutz in Israel. This Kibbutz offered the embittered Debs Marxist Socialist a place that accepted his misplaced anger. So he lied in the 2nd debate as a wannabe Commander in Chief.

FURTHER IN THE 2ND DEBATE HE DOUBLED DOWN ON HIS LIE: and claimed he did not have to worry about the draft anyway, because: “…I had a high lottery number and would not have been drafted.”December 1, 1969 marked the date of the first draft lottery held since 1942. This drawing determined the order of induction for men born between January 1, 1944 and December 31, 1950. A large glass container held 366 blue plastic balls containing every possible birth date and affecting men between 18 and 26 years old.

The Military Draft and 1969 Draft Lottery for the Vietnam War     www.landscaper.net/draft.htm

FACT*: Sanders was 27 in September of 1969 – the selective service did not draft anyone older than his 26th birthday — AND THE LOTTERY DRAFT NUMBERS DID NOT START UNTIL DEC. 1, 1969.

DO THE MATH! How bizarre and incredible is it that no member of the press has picked this up? NOT ONE!  Why not?

[*factual vetting is not smearing or bashing, just truth]

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